How can I transfer data from Android to iOS?
If you used aWallet Cloud on Android
Install aWallet Cloud in iOS
Choose the Restore from cloud option on the second initial screen
Select cloud (Dropbox or Google Drive) and cloud account you've used in the old phone
If you used aWallet original in Android
Create a backup in aWallet original in your Android phone:
Unlock the app, press the menu button on the home screen / Backup data file and choose existing or create a new folder
Use this guide to connect the phone via a USB cable and copy the data.crypt file to your PC/Mac.
Install aWallet or aWallet Cloud in iPhone / iPad
Choose Create new data in the initial screen
If you have aWallet Cloud on your iOS device: Choose cloud Dropbox or Google Drive and provide your existing cloud account
Put the data.crypt file backup to the aWallet or aWallet Cloud iTunes File Sharing folder using this guide
Unlock aWallet, select the Settings tab / Actions / Restore data file
Alternatively if you already have aWallet Cloud installed on your iOS device:
Copy the data.crypt file backup to your cloud and replace the existing data.crypt
If you are using Google Drive then copy the file to https://drive.google.com. If you are using Dropbox copy the file to https://www.dropbox.com/home/Apps/aWallet%20Cloud
Note: There must already exist data.crypt file in the cloud and this file must have been created by the app and not by the user. aWallet Cloud will not see the file in the cloud if it was created by the user for the first time.
Press the sync button in iOS aWallet Cloud home screen to download data from the cloud
How can I transfer data from iOS to Android
If you used aWallet Cloud on iOS
Install aWallet Cloud on Android
Choose the Restore from cloud on the initial screen
Select the cloud (Dropbox or Google Drive) and cloud account you've used in the old phone
If you used aWallet original in iOS
In the old iOS phone:
Unlock aWallet, select Settings / Actions, and press the Backup data file.
Connect the iPhone using a USB cable to the computer and start iTunes. Please see this guide on how to use iTunes.
In iTunes click on the device icon and select Apps.
Scroll down for the File Sharing section and select aWallet.
Drag and drop the data.crypt file to your computer
In the new phone:
To find the correct file path do a backup first. Unlock aWallet and in the main screen press menu | Backup data file and choose existing or create a new folder.
Find and replace the created data.crypt file with that from your old phone
Use this guide to connect the phone via a USB cable
In the aWallet main screen press Menu | Restore data file.
How to restore data from the cloud in the new phone
Install (or reset) aWallet Cloud on the new phone
Select "Restore from cloud" on the second initial screen
Select the same cloud and cloud account used on the old phone
If you have by mistake chosen "Create new data" after installing aWallet Cloud, restore an older version of the data.crypt in the cloud.
How to transfer data without Cloud Pro
Please read first this guide on how to use iTunes File Sharing.
In the old phone:
Unlock aWallet, select Settings / Actions and press the Backup data file.
Connect the iPhone using a USB cable to the computer and start iTunes. Please see this guide on how to use iTunes.
In iTunes click on the device icon and select Apps.
Scroll down for the File Sharing section and select aWallet.
Drag and drop the data.crypt file to your computer.
In the new phone:
Connect the iPhone using a USB cable to the computer and start iTunes. Please see this guide on how to use iTunes.
In iTunes click on the device icon and select Apps.
Scroll down for the File Sharing section and select aWallet.
Click the "Add..." button and choose the data.crypt file.
Unlock aWallet app on iPhone, select Settings / Actions and do Restore data file.
How can I backup data locally?
Note: If you have aWallet Cloud Pro and configured cloud sync you don't need to make local backups.
Unlock aWallet, select Settings / Actions and press the Backup data file.
Connect the iPhone using a USB cable to the computer and start iTunes. Please see this guide on how to use iTunes.
In iTunes click on the device icon and select Apps.
Scroll down for the File Sharing section and select aWallet.
Drag and drop the data.crypt file to your computer
How to Export data to CSV
Unlock aWallet, select the Settings tab / Actions / Export data to CSV
Open aWallet or aWallet Cloud iTunes File Sharing folder using this guide
Select the folder named "csv" and use the Save... button at the bottom right corner
How to Import data from CSV
Prepare folder named "csv" with all CSV files to be imported
Drag&drop the csv folder to the aWallet or aWallet Cloud iTunes File Sharing folder using this guide
Unlock aWallet, select the Settings tab / Actions / Import data from CSV
How do I change my password?
Unlock aWallet
Select the Settings tab
Press Actions / Change password